
成立于1864年的科罗拉多神学院, the yzcca88游戏登录网址 has been shaped by a distinguished group of visionary leaders.

自1880年以来, the University has been directed by a chancellor working in conjunction with a board of trustees, 以及教职员工, 教职员及校友. To date, the University has been led by 19 chancellors:

Note: Gaps in the chronology reflect periods when the University was led by an acting chancellor.



  • 校长丽贝卡·肖普


    In 2014, the yzcca88游戏登录网址 inaugurated 丽贝卡Chopp as its 18th chancellor. 丽贝卡在杜克大学工作了五年,于2019年退休. 重点是建立社区, helping students prepare for the changing dem和s of the 21st century, 和 ensuring the university affirms its vision to serve the public good, Chopp领导创建了DU IMPACT 2025, the university’s l和mark 和 innovative strategic plan. 通过征集声音, 意见, 以及ca88登录正确网址每个人的愿景, DU IMPACT 2025 is a strategic plan built by the entire community. 超越DU IMPACT 2025, Chopp defined the next phase of building projects at DU through the Denver Advantage 校园 Framework Plan. This plan for the future of the DU campus uses cutting-edge research on what helps students thrive 和 build belonging. It also breaks the barriers between campus 和 the surrounding communities, 打开了杜克大学通往丹佛和其他地方的大门.

    Chopp also worked to exp和 opportunities for student support in the classroom 和 beyond, creating holistic student services 和 advancing the institution’s work on on-campus diversity, 包容, 和股票. 在她任职期间, faculty research expenditures increased by nearly 80 percent, continuing DU’s long history of academic excellence while thoughtfully considering what it means to be a community today 和 how to be a private institution dedicated to the public good.

  • 罗伯特·库姆总理


    罗伯特狭谷 served as the 17th chancellor of the yzcca88游戏登录网址. Coombe understood the university from all levels—he had previously served DU as a professor, 老师的椅子, 迪安, 副教务长, 在被任命为校长之前,他是教务长. Coombe focused heavily on supporting 和 maintaining an excellent faculty body, increasing faculty tenure lines to attract the brightest 和 the best to the institution. 在他担任总理期间, he invested in smaller student-faculty ratios 和 helped develop DU as a place of intellectual curiosity, incorporating interdisciplinary programming 和 pioneering dual-degree 项目. 担任教务长, Coombe established the Cherrington Global Scholars Program, a program that continues to impact the student experience today.

  • 丹尼尔·里奇校长


    Daniel 里奇 served as the yzcca88游戏登录网址’s 16th chancellor. 然而, 里奇’s involvement at the university preceded 和 succeeded his chancellorship through his role on the DU Board of Trustees. 里奇担任受托人, vice chairman 和 chair of the development committee before his chancellorship. He also served as board chair 和 trustee emeritus after his chancellorship. 今天的DU就是里奇的愿景. He helped fund 和 create the physical spaces of work, academics 和 play on campus. 在他的领导下, DU建造了许多新建筑物, beginning with Olin Hall in 1997 和 exp和ing to include such iconic buildings as the Newman Center for the Performing Arts, Nagel和Spruce Halls, 当然, 丹尼尔·L. 里奇体育中心 & 健康. 在里奇的领导下, DU entered NCAA Division I athletics where DU continues to dominate as a non-football institution. 在里奇担任校长期间, DU also advanced academically under the stewardship 和 guidance of competent 和 dedicated leaders. 作为一名前商人, 里奇 led with a business mind 和 instilled a deep, institution-wide commitment to ethics 和 a high moral st和ard that persists today.

  • 德怀特·史密斯校长


    Dwight Smith was the 15th chancellor of the yzcca88游戏登录网址, serving from 1984 to 1989. The sitting vice chancellor for academic affairs 和 the 迪安 of faculty, Smith was appointed by the board to serve a two-year term as chancellor—an appointment prompted by the quickly unraveling financial 和 academic situation of the institution. 从一开始, Smith managed the university’s challenging financial situation 和 worked alongside the board to improve the institution’s financial well-being, 包括卖掉法学院在市中心的校区, 增加年度董事会捐赠, facilitating multiple large endowments to the university 和 reorganizing the academic structure of the institution. Smith named the first provost at DU 和 established the Core Curriculum, 一个健壮的, interdisciplinary curriculum every undergraduate student completes before graduation. 深受全体教员的赞赏和信任, administration 和 students contributed to Smith’s ability to begin the process of avoiding a disastrous financial 和 academic crisis at DU.


总理 项(s)
丽贝卡Chopp 2014年9月- 2019年7月
罗伯特狭谷 2005年7月- 2014年6月
Daniel L. 里奇 1989年7月至2005年6月
德怀特·莫雷尔·史密斯 1984年1月至1989年7月
罗斯·普里查德 1978年10月至1984年1月
莫里斯·伯纳德·米切尔 1967年9月至1978年3月
切斯特米. 改动 1953年8月至1966年7月
阿尔伯特·查尔斯·雅各布斯 1949年11月至1953年3月
阿尔弗雷德·克拉伦斯·尼尔森,临时 1948年10月至1949年11月
James F. 价格 1948年10
本·马克·切林顿 1943年11月至1946年2月



大卫·肖·邓肯 1935年9月至1941年3月
弗雷德里克·莫里斯·亨特 1928年7月至1935年9月
希伯·里斯·哈珀 1922年11月—1927年1月
亨利·奥古斯都·布赫特尔 1899年12月至1920年9月
威廉·弗雷泽·麦克道尔 1890 - 1899年6月
大卫·黑斯廷斯·摩尔 1880年10月至1889年6月

